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Female Egyptian Rite of Adoption


“My Brother, these gloves are intended for the Woman who represents your perfect antithetic polarity, the Lunar”. 

- From man's Initiation.

“Offer these gloves to a Man of your appreciation and affection”. 

- From Female Egyptian Rite Initiation

With honor and respect, the Ancient and Sovereign Egyptian Rite of Mizraim and Memphis, maintains separate Lodges for Women with their own unique corresponding Rituals (which were created in Venice on 1801 inspired from the Egyptian Rite of Cagliostro and preserved from the Mizraim Rite). Each Woman (similar to men) who participates in these Rituals is working on her character's refinement and enhancement, whereby ameliorates the conditions of the whole human fraternity.


A lot of the function of the Male Rite are shared with the Female Rite however the details are purposefully concealed to maintain the integrity of the Female Egyptian Rite. 


The Female Egyptian Rite of Adoption operates under the assistance of the Sovereign Grand Sanctuary of Ionian (Superum) with its own specific Rituals.

It follows the purest mystical and feminine Tradition that in the past created Vestal Virgins, Sibyls and Priestesses of Druids.


Even though the Ancient and Sovereign Egyptian Rite of Mizraim and Memphis, does not adopt mixed Initiation due to the Feminine nature necessitates different functions than the male nature. However certain adjustments have been made to express the Mystery of Unity.


The Initiation of a Woman is Lunar, while the Man's Initiation is Solar. Therefore, in the lower degrees of the Female Lodges, a Brother always assists, delivering the Light in the Female Lodge.


Our female RITE does not initiate independently, but is adopted by a masculine Rite.

For Clarification.

Regarding the reasons, it should be remembered that in ancient times women were initiated priestesses by the Pharaoh or, by the High Priest, and assumed very important tasks in the ritual expression of the cult. 

Women, therefore, actively participated in religious and, above all, traditional mysteries. Unfortunately, the "Female Initiation, after a long period of aversion, was definitively lost, starting from when various initiatory veins were extinguished, such as, for example, that of the Sibyls, and then the "Order of the Vestals", etc., in the West, all known routes have closed for women. 


In the early Middle Ages, some sporadic attempts at female initiation were carried out but without continuity. There are traces that attest that women were allowed in the Guilds of Artisans and in some other esoteric societies. In any case, it is not easy to reconstruct the history of initiatory associations in which the supporting elements of Tradition are transmitted orally and whose existence appears above all in a negative function by the detractors. Nor is this reconstruction easy, due to the recurrent persecutions by the political power and, even more so, by the religious power in the European states. For all this, the initiatory structures have often been forced to blend in and to live in hiding. The historical reconstruction of the feminine initiatory vein had to undergo the negative action of the detractors of Freemasonry in general and of the detractors adhering to the Masonic Order itself,


The first news regarding the initiation of women comes from the second half of the 18th century and then from the second half of the 19th century.

In 1774, for example, the Grand Orient of France officially authorized "the female lodges of adoption" placing them under the guidance and protection of the Brothers. In fact, these were not real female lodges but male structures in which women could participate. An attempt at a Mixed Rite that died quickly.


In 1776 Cagliostro puts in place the Egyptian Rite, also with a female line; that is, with adoption androgenic lodges. This experiment ended with the death of Cagliostro in 1795.


Apart from the historical notes which in any case have their importance in explaining why certain choices have been made, it is good to specify some concepts. Tradition teaches us that the manifestation in which we exist is characterized in complementary and unequal parts, which can also harmonize with each other.


The law of manifestation is diversity; in order to harmonize this diversity, it is good that the two parts are more and more themselves, in order to be able to fully and ever more perfectly manifest the characteristics of their own essence.


Thus, with regard to the genders, male and female present themselves as two types which must be realized according to their most intimate characteristics.


Similarly, on the spiritual plane or at least by projecting towards what is not only matter, male and female each have their own Way that cannot be changed without running into contradiction with their own essence. They are two different beings with two distinct functions and with objectives that are not always convergent. However, they have equal dignity.


Each of the two, objectively complementary, needs to affirm and realize more and more their innate qualifications, without overriding each other.


Even from this simple synthesis it can be deduced that the initiatory path between the two beings can never be the same; it may have a convergence of objectives, but with different rituals and meanings.


The two ways, although different, it is not good that they develop in a totally independent way from each other. Born and manifested in the same container (society), they will be linked in the eggregoric force from which they originate.


The Female Initiation can be similar only in part to the masculine one; that is, it must be in some ways symbolic and hermetic and must proceed according to V.I.T.R.I.O.L., with the consequent interior purification. However, the operational modalities with which it will be carried out will be different.


The Female Egyptian Rite is dependent on the Sublime Grand Egyptian Master - Queen of Sheba and Sovereign Grand Hierophant. The Queen of Sheba is chosen from the degree of  the Perfect Egyptian Master Sisters (4°).

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